Monday, May 16, 2011

I HATE love, I love HATE


Hate and love is two elements that cannot be separated. If you say you love something, there must also things that you hate which make things that you love more lovable then things that you hate. Make sense?

In my life, I still searching the real meaning of love. I wonder a lot about people which they said that they are in love. They say they love each other but then why at the same time there also hates. When things is good, seem like there is nothing could separate them. They do anything, even things that is absurd. Even things that is impossible for them before, but yet it is possible. But when it is bad, it's awful. Serious. I thought about it. My only conclusion is maybe they just don’t love each other anymore which is why they hate each other. Still like I just said, love and hate cannot be separated. But someone said to me, my reasoning is actually drawn to wrong conclusion. They actually still love each other, but at that moment they forgot about it. They hate each other but at the same time they love each other. Still I don't know what it is really means. Why cant we love things till the end. I asked in my heart, searching for truth. Is there any love that will last for ever. Then and there I knew the answer is. There is only one love that really last for eternity. It is lies with the one that will last for eternity, and there is only one that will last for eternity, forever. LOVE TO OUR CREATOR.

"I knew that if you love someone, it doesn't meant that you'll be love back."

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